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Enumeration ChannelWidth

channel width definitions

These values are used with the %NL80211_ATTR_CHANNEL_WIDTH attribute.


Enumeration members

_10 = 7

10 MHz OFDM channel

_160 = 5

160 MHz channel, the %NL80211_ATTR_CENTER_FREQ1 attribute must be provided as well

_20 = 1

20 MHz HT channel

_20_NOHT = 0

20 MHz, non-HT channel

_40 = 2

40 MHz channel, the %NL80211_ATTR_CENTER_FREQ1 attribute must be provided as well

_5 = 6

5 MHz OFDM channel

_80 = 3

80 MHz channel, the %NL80211_ATTR_CENTER_FREQ1 attribute must be provided as well

_80P80 = 4

80+80 MHz channel, the %NL80211_ATTR_CENTER_FREQ1 and %NL80211_ATTR_CENTER_FREQ2 attributes must be provided as well

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