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attributes for bss selection.

One and only one of these attributes are found within %NL80211_ATTR_BSS_SELECT for %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT. It specifies the required BSS selection behaviour which the driver shall use.




__unparsed?: [number, Buffer][]
bandPref?: Buffer

attribute indicating BSS selection should be done such that the specified band is preferred. When there are multiple BSS-es in the preferred band, the driver shall use RSSI-based BSS selection as a second step. The value of this attribute is according to &enum nl80211_band (u32).

rssi?: true

Flag indicating only RSSI-based BSS selection is requested.

rssiAdjust?: Buffer

When present the RSSI level for BSS-es in the specified band is to be adjusted before doing RSSI-based BSS selection. The attribute value is a packed structure value as specified by &struct nl80211_bss_select_rssi_adjust.

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