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Interface MeshSetupParams

mesh setup parameters

Mesh setup parameters. These are used to start/join a mesh and cannot be changed while the mesh is active.




__unparsed?: [number, Buffer][]
authProtocol?: number

Inform the kernel of the authentication method (u8, as defined in IEEE, e.g. 0x1 for SAE). Default is no authentication method required.

enableVendorMetric?: true

Enable this option to use a vendor specific path metric or disable it to use the default Airtime metric.

enableVendorPathSel?: true

Enable this option to use a vendor specific path selection algorithm or disable it to use the default HWMP.

enableVendorSync?: number

Enable this option to use a vendor specific synchronization method or disable it to use the default neighbor offset synchronization

ie?: Buffer

Information elements for this mesh, for instance, a robust security network ie, or a vendor specific information element that vendors will use to identify the path selection methods and metrics in use.

userspaceAmpe?: true

Enable this option if an authentication daemon will be securing peer link frames. AMPE is a secured version of Mesh Peering Management (MPM) and is implemented with the assistance of a userspace daemon. When this flag is set, the kernel will send peer management frames to a userspace daemon that will implement AMPE functionality (security capabilities selection, key confirmation, and key management). When the flag is unset (default), the kernel can autonomously complete (unsecured) mesh peering without the need of a userspace daemon.

userspaceAuth?: true

Enable this option if an authentication daemon will be authenticating mesh candidates.

userspaceMpm?: Buffer

Enable this option if userspace will implement an MPM which handles peer allocation and state.

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