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NAN function attributes




__unparsed?: [number, Buffer][]
closeRange?: true

is this function limited for devices in a close range. The range itself (RSSI) is defined by the device. This is a flag.

followUpDest?: Buffer

the MAC address of the recipient of the follow up Service Discovery Frame. This is a binary attribute.

followUpId?: number

relevant if the function's type is follow up. The instance ID for the follow up Service Discovery Frame. This is u8.

followUpReqId?: number

relevant if the function's type is follow up. This is a u8. The requestor instance ID for the follow up Service Discovery Frame.

instanceId?: number

The instance ID of the function. Its type is u8 and it cannot be 0.

publishBcast?: true

relevant if the function is a solicited publish. Should the solicited publish Service Discovery Frame be sent to the NAN Broadcast address. This is a flag.

publishType?: NanPublishType

relevant if the function's type is publish. Defines the transmission type for the publish Service Discovery Frame, see &enum nl80211_nan_publish_type. Its type is u8.

rxMatchFilter?: Buffer

Receive Matching filter. This is a nested attribute. It is a list of binary values.

serviceId?: Buffer

6 bytes of the service ID hash as specified in NAN spec. This is a binary attribute.

serviceInfo?: Buffer

array of bytes describing the service specific info. This is a binary attribute.

srf?: NanSrf

Service Receive Filter. This is a nested attribute. See &enum nl80211_nan_srf_attributes.

subscribeActive?: true

relevant if the function's type is subscribe. Is the subscribe active. This is a flag.

termReason?: NanFunctionTerminationReason | "USER_REQUEST" | "TTL_EXPIRED" | "ERROR"

NAN function termination reason. See &enum nl80211_nan_func_term_reason.

ttl?: number

strictly positive number of DWs this function should stay active. If not present infinite TTL is assumed. This is a u32.

txMatchFilter?: Buffer

Transmit Matching filter. This is a nested attribute. It is a list of binary values.

type?: NanFunctionType | "PUBLISH" | "SUBSCRIBE" | "FOLLOW_UP"

&enum nl80211_nan_function_type (u8).

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