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Interface ScheduledScanMatch

scheduled scan match attributes




__unparsed?: [number, Buffer][]
attrBssid?: Buffer

BSSID to be used for matching (this cannot be used together with SSID).

attrRelativeRssi?: true

Flag indicating whether %NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_RSSI to be used as absolute RSSI or relative to current bss's RSSI.

attrRssi?: Buffer

RSSI threshold (in dBm) for reporting a BSS in scan results. Filtering is turned off if not specified. Note that if this attribute is in a match set of its own, then it is treated as the default value for all matchsets with an SSID, rather than being a matchset of its own without an RSSI filter. This is due to problems with how this API was implemented in the past. Also, due to the same problem, the only way to create a matchset with only an RSSI filter (with this attribute) is if there's only a single matchset with the RSSI attribute.

attrRssiAdjust?: Buffer

When present the RSSI level for BSS-es in the specified band is to be adjusted before doing RSSI-based BSS selection. The attribute value is a packed structure value as specified by &struct nl80211_bss_select_rssi_adjust.

attrSsid?: Buffer

SSID to be used for matching, only report BSS with matching SSID. (This cannot be used together with BSSID.)

perBandRssi?: BandId | "_2GHZ" | "_5GHZ" | "_60GHZ" | "_6GHZ"

Nested attribute that carries the band specific minimum rssi thresholds for the bands defined in enum nl80211_band. The minimum rssi threshold value(s32) specific to a band shall be encapsulated in attribute with type value equals to one of the NL80211_BAND_* defined in enum nl80211_band. For example, the minimum rssi threshold value for 2.4GHZ band shall be encapsulated within an attribute of type NL80211_BAND_2GHZ. And one or more of such attributes will be nested within this attribute.

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