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station information

These attribute types are used with %NL80211_ATTR_STA_INFO when getting information about a station.




__unparsed?: [number, Buffer][]
ackSignal?: number

signal strength of the last ACK frame(u8, dBm)

ackSignalAvg?: number

avg signal strength of ACK frames (s8, dBm)

airtimeLinkMetric?: Buffer

airtime link metric for mesh station

airtimeWeight?: number

current airtime weight for station (u16)

assocAtBoottime?: bigint

Timestamp (CLOCK_BOOTTIME, nanoseconds) of STA's association

beaconLoss?: number

count of times beacon loss was detected (u32)

beaconRx?: bigint

number of beacons received from this peer (u64)

beaconSignalAvg?: number

signal strength average for beacons only (u8, dBm)

bssParam?: StationBssParam

current station's view of BSS, nested attribute containing info as possible, see &enum nl80211_sta_bss_param

chainSignal?: number

per-chain signal strength of last PPDU Contains a nested array of signal strength attributes (u8, dBm)

chainSignalAvg?: Buffer

per-chain signal strength average Same format as NL80211_STA_INFO_CHAIN_SIGNAL.

connectedTime?: number

time since the station is last connected

connectedToGate?: number

set to true if STA has a path to a mesh gate (u8, 0 or 1)

expectedThroughput?: number

expected throughput considering also the 802.11 header (u32, kbps)

fcsErrorCount?: number

total number of packets (MPDUs) received with an FCS error (u32, from this station). This count may not include some packets with an FCS error due to TA corruption. Hence this counter might not be fully accurate.

inactiveTime?: number

time since last activity (u32, msecs)

llid?: number

the station's mesh LLID

localPm?: Buffer

local mesh STA link-specific power mode

nonpeerPm?: Buffer

neighbor mesh STA power save mode towards non-peer STA

pad?: Buffer

attribute used for padding for 64-bit alignment

peerPm?: Buffer

peer mesh STA link-specific power mode

plid?: number

the station's mesh PLID

plinkState?: PlinkState | "LISTEN" | "OPN_SNT" | "OPN_RCVD" | "CNF_RCVD" | "ESTAB" | "HOLDING" | "BLOCKED"

peer link state for the station (see %enum nl80211_plink_state)

rxBitrate?: Buffer

last unicast data frame rx rate, nested attribute, like NL80211_STA_INFO_TX_BITRATE.

rxBytes?: number

total received bytes (MPDU length) (u32, from this station)

rxBytes64?: bigint

total received bytes (MPDU length) (u64, from this station)

rxDropMisc?: bigint

RX packets dropped for unspecified reasons (u64)

rxDuration?: bigint

aggregate PPDU duration for all frames received from the station (u64, usec)

rxMpdus?: number

total number of received packets (MPDUs) (u32, from this station)

rxPackets?: number

total received packet (MSDUs and MMPDUs) (u32, from this station)

signal?: number

signal strength of last received PPDU (u8, dBm)

signalAvg?: number

signal strength average (u8, dBm)

staFlags?: Buffer

Contains a struct nl80211_sta_flag_update.

tOffset?: bigint

timing offset with respect to this STA (s64)

tidStats?: Map<number, TidStats>

per-TID statistics (see &enum nl80211_tid_stats) This is a nested attribute where each the inner attribute number is the TID+1 and the special TID 16 (i.e. value 17) is used for non-QoS frames; each one of those is again nested with &enum nl80211_tid_stats attributes carrying the actual values.

txBitrate?: RateInfo

current unicast tx rate, nested attribute containing info as possible, see &enum nl80211_rate_info

txBytes?: number

total transmitted bytes (MPDU length) (u32, to this station)

txBytes64?: bigint

total transmitted bytes (MPDU length) (u64, to this station)

txDuration?: bigint

aggregate PPDU duration for all frames sent to the station (u64, usec)

txFailed?: number

total failed packets (MPDUs) (u32, to this station)

txPackets?: number

total transmitted packets (MSDUs and MMPDUs) (u32, to this station)

txRetries?: number

total retries (MPDUs) (u32, to this station)

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