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survey information

These attribute types are used with %NL80211_ATTR_SURVEY_INFO when getting information about a survey.




__unparsed?: [number, Buffer][]
frequency?: number

center frequency of channel

inUse?: Buffer

channel is currently being used

noise?: number

noise level of channel (u8, dBm)

pad?: Buffer

attribute used for padding for 64-bit alignment

time?: bigint

amount of time (in ms) that the radio was turned on (on channel or globally)

timeBssRx?: Buffer

amount of time the radio spent receiving frames destined to the local BSS

timeBusy?: bigint

amount of the time the primary channel was sensed busy (either due to activity or energy detect)

timeExtBusy?: bigint

amount of time the extension channel was sensed busy

timeRx?: bigint

amount of time the radio spent receiving data (on channel or globally)

timeScan?: Buffer

time the radio spent for scan (on this channel or globally)

timeTx?: bigint

amount of time the radio spent transmitting data (on channel or globally)

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