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WoWLAN TCP connection parameters




__unparsed?: [number, Buffer][]
dataInterval?: number

data interval in seconds, maximum interval in feature advertising (u32)

dataPayload?: Buffer

data packet payload, at least one byte. For feature advertising, a u32 attribute holding the maximum length of the data payload.

dataPayloadSeq?: Buffer

data packet sequence configuration (if desired), a &struct nl80211_wowlan_tcp_data_seq. For feature advertising it is just a flag

dataPayloadToken?: Buffer

data packet token configuration, see &struct nl80211_wowlan_tcp_data_token and for advertising see &struct nl80211_wowlan_tcp_data_token_feature.

dstIpv4?: number

destination IPv4 address (in network byte order)

dstMac?: Buffer

destination MAC address, this is given because route lookup when configured might be invalid by the time we suspend, and doing a route lookup when suspending is no longer possible as it might require ARP querying.

dstPort?: number

destination port (u16)

srcIpv4?: number

source IPv4 address (in network byte order)

srcPort?: number

source port (u16); optional, if not given a socket and port will be allocated

wakeMask?: Buffer

Wake packet payload mask, not used for feature advertising. The mask works like @NL80211_PKTPAT_MASK but on the TCP payload only.

wakePayload?: Buffer

wake packet payload, for advertising a u32 attribute holding the maximum length

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