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Interface LinkStats64

The main device statistics structure


  • LinkStats64



collisions?: bigint
multicast?: bigint

multicast packets received

rxBytes?: bigint

total bytes received

rxCompressed?: bigint

for cslip etc

rxCrcErrors?: bigint

recved pkt with crc error

rxDropped?: bigint

no space in linux buffers

rxErrors?: bigint

bad packets received

rxFifoErrors?: bigint

recv'r fifo overrun

rxFrameErrors?: bigint

recv'd frame alignment error

rxLengthErrors?: bigint

detailed rx_errors:

rxMissedErrors?: bigint

receiver missed packet

rxNohandler?: bigint

dropped, no handler found

rxOverErrors?: bigint

receiver ring buff overflow

rxPackets?: bigint

total packets received

txAbortedErrors?: bigint

detailed tx_errors

txBytes?: bigint

total bytes transmitted

txCarrierErrors?: bigint
txCompressed?: bigint
txDropped?: bigint

no space available in linux

txErrors?: bigint

packet transmit problems

txFifoErrors?: bigint
txHeartbeatErrors?: bigint
txPackets?: bigint

total packets transmitted

txWindowErrors?: bigint

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