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Interface WowlanTriggers

WoWLAN trigger definitions

These nested attributes are used to configure the wakeup triggers and to report the wakeup reason(s).




_4wayHandshake?: true

wake up on 4-way handshake (flag)

__unparsed?: [number, Buffer][]
any?: true

wake up on any activity, do not really put the chip into a special state -- works best with chips that have support for low-power operation already (flag) Note that this mode is incompatible with all of the others, if any others are even supported by the device.

disconnect?: true

wake up on disconnect, the way disconnect is detected is implementation-specific (flag)

eapIdentRequest?: true

wake up on EAP Identity Request packet (flag)

gtkRekeyFailure?: true

wake up on GTK rekey failure (if done by the device) (flag)

gtkRekeySupported?: true

Not a real trigger, and cannot be used when setting, used only to indicate that GTK rekeying is supported by the device (flag)

magicPkt?: true

wake up on magic packet (6x 0xff, followed by 16 repetitions of MAC addr, anywhere in payload) (flag)

netDetect?: Buffer

wake up when a configured network is detected. This is a nested attribute that contains the same attributes used with @NL80211_CMD_START_SCHED_SCAN. It specifies how the scan is performed (e.g. the interval, the channels to scan and the initial delay) as well as the scan results that will trigger a wake (i.e. the matchsets). This attribute is also sent in a response to


indicating the number of match sets supported by the driver (u32).

netDetectResults?: Message[]

nested attribute containing an array with information about what triggered the wake up. If no elements are present in the array, it means that the information is not available. If more than one element is present, it means that more than one match occurred. Each element in the array is a nested attribute that contains one optional %NL80211_ATTR_SSID attribute and one optional %NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_FREQUENCIES attribute. At least one of these attributes must be present. If %NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_FREQUENCIES contains more than one frequency, it means that the match occurred in more than one channel.

pktPattern?: Buffer

wake up on the specified packet patterns which are passed in an array of nested attributes, each nested attribute defining a with attributes from &struct nl80211_wowlan_trig_pkt_pattern. Each pattern defines a wakeup packet. Packet offset is associated with each pattern which is used while matching the pattern. The matching is done on the MSDU, i.e. as though the packet was an 802.3 packet, so the pattern matching is done after the packet is converted to the MSDU.

In %NL80211_ATTR_WOWLAN_TRIGGERS_SUPPORTED, it is a binary attribute carrying a &struct nl80211_pattern_support.

When reporting wakeup. it is a u32 attribute containing the 0-based index of the pattern that caused the wakeup, in the patterns passed to the kernel when configuring.

rfkillRelease?: true

wake up when rfkill is released (on devices that have rfkill in the device) (flag)

tcpConnection?: Buffer

TCP connection wake, see DOC section "TCP connection wakeup" for more details. This is a nested attribute containing the exact information for establishing and keeping alive the TCP connection.

wakeupPkt80211?: Buffer

For wakeup reporting only, contains the 802.11 packet that caused the wakeup, e.g. a deauth frame. The frame may be truncated, the @NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_PKT_80211_LEN attribute contains the original length.

wakeupPkt80211Len?: Buffer

Original length of the 802.11 packet, may be bigger than the @NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_PKT_80211 attribute if the packet was truncated somewhere.

wakeupPkt8023?: Buffer

For wakeup reporting only, contains the 802.11 packet that caused the wakeup, e.g. a magic packet. The frame may be truncated, the @NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_PKT_8023_LEN attribute contains the original length.

wakeupPkt8023Len?: Buffer

Original length of the 802.3 packet, may be bigger than the @NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_PKT_8023 attribute if the packet was truncated somewhere.

wakeupTcpConnlost?: true

For wakeup reporting only, the TCP connection was lost or failed to be established

wakeupTcpMatch?: true

For wakeup reporting only, the wakeup packet was received on the TCP connection

wakeupTcpNomoretokens?: true

For wakeup reporting only, the TCP connection ran out of tokens to use for data to send to the service

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