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nl80211 netlink attributes





_4addr?: number

Use 4-address frames on a virtual interface

__unparsed?: [number, Buffer][]
ack?: true

Flag attribute indicating that the frame was acknowledged by the recipient.

ackSignal?: Buffer

ACL policy, see &enum nl80211_acl_policy, carried in a u32 attribute

admittedTime?: number

admitted time in units of 32 microseconds (per second) (u16 attribute)

airtimeWeight?: number

Station's weight when scheduled by the airtime scheduler.

akmSuites?: number

Used with CONNECT, ASSOCIATE, and NEW_BEACON to indicate which key management algorithm(s) to use (an array of u32). This attribute is also sent in response to @NL80211_CMD_GET_WIPHY, indicating the supported AKM suites, intended for specific drivers which implement SME and have constraints on which AKMs are supported and also the cases where an AKM support is offloaded to the driver/firmware. If there is no such notification from the driver, user space should assume the driver supports all the AKM suites.

apIsolate?: true

(AP mode) Do not forward traffic between stations connected to this BSS.

authData?: Buffer

Fields and elements in Authentication frames. This contains the authentication frame body (non-IE and IE data), excluding the Authentication algorithm number, i.e., starting at the Authentication transaction sequence number field. It is used with authentication algorithms that need special fields to be added into the frames (SAE and FILS). Currently, only the SAE cases use the initial two fields (Authentication transaction sequence number and Status code). However, those fields are included in the attribute data for all authentication algorithms to keep the attribute definition consistent.

authType?: AuthType | "OPEN_SYSTEM" | "SHARED_KEY" | "FT" | "NETWORK_EAP" | "SAE" | "FILS_SK" | "FILS_SK_PFS" | "FILS_PK" | "AUTOMATIC"

AuthenticationType, see &enum nl80211_auth_type, represented as a u32

bands?: BandIdSet

operating bands configuration. This is a u32 bitmask of BIT(NL80211_BAND_*) as described in %enum nl80211_band. For instance, for NL80211_BAND_2GHZ, bit 0 would be set. This attribute is used with %NL80211_CMD_START_NAN and %NL80211_CMD_CHANGE_NAN_CONFIG, and it is optional. If no bands are set, it means don't-care and the device will decide what to use.

beaconHead?: Buffer

portion of the beacon before the TIM IE

beaconInterval?: number

beacon interval in TU

beaconTail?: Buffer

portion of the beacon after the TIM IE

bgScanPeriod?: Buffer

Background scan period in seconds or 0 to disable background scan.

bss?: Buffer

scan result BSS

bssBasicRates?: Buffer

basic rates, array of basic rates in format defined by IEEE 802.11 but without the length restriction (at most %NL80211_MAX_SUPP_RATES).

bssCtsProt?: boolean

whether CTS protection is enabled (u8, 0 or 1)

bssHtOpmode?: number

HT operation mode (u16)

bssSelect?: BssSelect

nested attribute for driver supporting the BSS selection feature. When used with %NL80211_CMD_GET_WIPHY it contains attributes according &enum nl80211_bss_select_attr to indicate what BSS selection behaviours are supported. When used with %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT it contains the behaviour-specific attribute containing the parameters for BSS selection to be done by driver and/or firmware.

bssShortPreamble?: boolean

whether short preamble is enabled (u8, 0 or 1)

bssShortSlotTime?: boolean

whether short slot time enabled (u8, 0 or 1)

bssid?: Buffer

The BSSID of the AP. Note that %NL80211_ATTR_MAC is also used in various commands/events for specifying the BSSID.

centerFreq1?: number

Center frequency of the first part of the channel, used for anything but 20 MHz bandwidth

centerFreq2?: number

Center frequency of the second part of the channel, used only for 80+80 MHz bandwidth

chSwitchBlockTx?: true

flag attribute specifying that transmission must be blocked on the current channel (before the channel switch operation).

chSwitchCount?: number

u32 attribute specifying the number of TBTT's until the channel switch event.

channelWidth?: ChannelWidth | "_20_NOHT" | "_20" | "_40" | "_80" | "_80P80" | "_160" | "_5" | "_10"

u32 attribute containing one of the values of &enum nl80211_chan_width, describing the channel width. See the documentation of the enum for more information.

cipherSuiteGroup?: number

For crypto settings for connect or other commands, indicates which group cipher suite is used

cipherSuites?: Buffer

a set of u32 values indicating the supported cipher suites

cipherSuitesPairwise?: number

For crypto settings for connect or other commands, indicates which pairwise cipher suites are used

coalesceRule?: Buffer

Coalesce rule information.

connFailedReason?: Buffer

The reason for which AP has rejected the connection request from a station. nl80211_connect_failed_reason enum has different reasons of connection failure.

controlPort?: true

A flag indicating whether user space controls IEEE 802.1X port, i.e., sets/clears %NL80211_STA_FLAG_AUTHORIZED, in station mode. If the flag is included in %NL80211_CMD_ASSOCIATE request, the driver will assume that the port is unauthorized until authorized by user space. Otherwise, port is marked authorized by default in station mode.

controlPortEthertype?: Buffer

A 16-bit value indicating the ethertype that will be used for key negotiation. It can be specified with the associate and connect commands. If it is not specified, the value defaults to 0x888E (PAE, 802.1X). This attribute is also used as a flag in the wiphy information to indicate that protocols other than PAE are supported.

controlPortNoEncrypt?: true

When included along with %NL80211_ATTR_CONTROL_PORT_ETHERTYPE, indicates that the custom ethertype frames used for key negotiation must not be encrypted.

controlPortOverNl80211?: true

A flag indicating whether control port frames (e.g. of type given in %NL80211_ATTR_CONTROL_PORT_ETHERTYPE) will be sent directly to the network interface or sent via the NL80211 socket. If this attribute is missing, then legacy behavior of sending control port frames directly to the network interface is used. If the flag is included, then control port frames are sent over NL80211 instead using %CMD_CONTROL_PORT_FRAME. If control port routing over NL80211 is to be used then userspace must also use the %NL80211_ATTR_SOCKET_OWNER flag.

cookie?: bigint

Generic 64-bit cookie to identify objects.

cqm?: Cqm

connection quality monitor configuration in a nested attribute with %NL80211_ATTR_CQM_* sub-attributes.

critProtId?: CritProtoId | "DHCP" | "EAPOL" | "APIPA"

critical protocol identifier requiring increased reliability, see &enum nl80211_crit_proto_id (u16).

csaCOffBeacon?: number

An array of offsets (u16) to the channel switch counters in the beacons tail (%NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_TAIL).

csaCOffPresp?: number

An array of offsets (u16) to the channel switch counters in the probe response (%NL80211_ATTR_PROBE_RESP).

csaCOffsetsTx?: number

An array of csa counter offsets (u16) which should be updated when the frame is transmitted.

csaIes?: Buffer

Nested set of attributes containing the IE information for the time while performing a channel switch.

deviceApSme?: number

This u32 attribute may be listed for devices that have AP support to indicate that they have the AP SME integrated with support for the features listed in this attribute, see &enum nl80211_ap_sme_features.

dfsRegion?: number

region for regulatory rules which this country abides to when initiating radiation on DFS channels. A country maps to one DFS region.

disableHt?: true

Force HT capable interfaces to disable this feature. Currently, only supported in mac80211 drivers.

disableVht?: true
disconnectedByAp?: true

A flag indicating that the DISCONNECT event was due to the AP disconnecting the station, and not due to a local disconnect request.

dontWaitForAck?: true

Used with %NL80211_CMD_FRAME, this tells the driver to not wait for an acknowledgement. Note that due to this, it will also not give a status callback nor return a cookie. This is mostly useful for probe responses to save airtime.

dtimPeriod?: number

DTIM period for beaconing

duration?: number

Duration of an operation in milliseconds, u32.

extCapa?: Buffer

802.11 extended capabilities that the kernel driver has and handles. The format is the same as the IE contents. See 802.11-2012 for more information.

extCapaMask?: Buffer

Extended capabilities that the kernel driver has set in the %NL80211_ATTR_EXT_CAPA value, for multibit fields.

extFeatures?: Buffer

extended feature flags contained in a byte array. The feature flags are identified by their bit index (see &enum nl80211_ext_feature_index). The bit index is ordered starting at the least-significant bit of the first byte in the array, ie. bit index 0 is located at bit 0 of byte 0. bit index 25 would be located at bit 1 of byte 3 (u8 array).

externalAuthAction?: ExternalAuthAction | "START" | "ABORT"

Identify the requested external authentication operation (u32 attribute with an &enum nl80211_external_auth_action value). This is used with the %NL80211_CMD_EXTERNAL_AUTH request event.

externalAuthSupport?: true

Flag attribute indicating that the user space supports external authentication. This attribute shall be used with %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT and %NL80211_CMD_START_AP request. The driver may offload authentication processing to user space if this capability is indicated in the respective requests from the user space.

featureFlags?: FeatureFlags

This u32 attribute contains flags from &enum nl80211_feature_flags and is advertised in wiphy information.

filsCacheId?: Buffer

A 2-octet identifier advertized by a FILS AP identifying the scope of PMKSAs. This is used with


and @NL80211_CMD_DEL_PMKSA.

filsErpNextSeqNum?: Buffer

Unsigned 16-bit ERP next sequence number to use in ERP messages. This is used in generating the FILS wrapped data for FILS authentication and is used with %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT.

filsErpRealm?: Buffer

EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP) realm part of NAI specifying the domain name of the ER server. This is used with %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT.

filsErpRrk?: Buffer

ERP re-authentication Root Key (rRK) for the NAI specified by %NL80211_ATTR_FILS_ERP_USERNAME and %NL80211_ATTR_FILS_ERP_REALM. This is used for generating rIK and rMSK from successful FILS authentication and is used with %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT.

filsErpUsername?: Buffer

EAP Re-authentication Protocol (ERP) username part of NAI used to refer keys rRK and rIK. This is used with %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT.

filsKek?: Buffer

KEK for FILS (Re)Association Request/Response frame protection.

filsNonces?: Buffer

Nonces (part of AAD) for FILS (Re)Association Request/Response frame protection. This attribute contains the 16 octet STA Nonce followed by 16 octets of AP Nonce.

frame?: Buffer

frame data (binary attribute), including frame header and body, but not FCS; used, e.g., with NL80211_CMD_AUTHENTICATE and NL80211_CMD_ASSOCIATE events

frameMatch?: Buffer

A binary attribute which typically must contain at least one byte, currently used with @NL80211_CMD_REGISTER_FRAME.

frameType?: number[]

A u16 indicating the frame type/subtype for the



freqAfter?: Buffer

A channel which has suffered a regulatory change due to considerations from a beacon hint. This attribute reflects the state of the channel after the beacon hint processing. This attributes consists of a nested attribute containing NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_*

freqBefore?: Buffer

A channel which has suffered a regulatory change due to considerations from a beacon hint. This attribute reflects the state of the channel before the beacon hint processing. This attributes consists of a nested attribute containing NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_*

freqFixed?: true

a flag indicating the IBSS should not try to look for other networks on different channels

ftmResponder?: Buffer

nested attribute which user-space can include in %NL80211_CMD_START_AP or %NL80211_CMD_SET_BEACON for fine timing measurement (FTM) responder functionality and containing parameters as possible, see &enum nl80211_ftm_responder_attr

ftmResponderStats?: FtmResponderStats

Nested attribute with FTM responder statistics, see &enum nl80211_ftm_responder_stats.

generation?: number

Used to indicate consistent snapshots for dumps. This number increases whenever the object list being dumped changes, and as such userspace can verify that it has obtained a complete and consistent snapshot by verifying that all dump messages contain the same generation number. If it changed then the list changed and the dump should be repeated completely from scratch.

handleDfs?: true

A flag indicating whether user space controls DFS operation in IBSS mode. If the flag is included in %NL80211_CMD_JOIN_IBSS request, the driver will allow use of DFS channels and reports radar events to userspace. Userspace is required to react to radar events, e.g. initiate a channel switch or leave the IBSS network.

heCapability?: Buffer

HE Capability information element (from association request when used with NL80211_CMD_NEW_STATION). Can be set only if %NL80211_STA_FLAG_WME is set.

heObssPd?: Buffer

nested attribute for OBSS Packet Detection functionality.

hiddenSsid?: HiddenSsid | "NOT_IN_USE" | "ZERO_LEN" | "ZERO_CONTENTS"

indicates whether SSID is to be hidden from Beacon and Probe Response (when response to wildcard Probe Request); see &enum nl80211_hidden_ssid, represented as a u32

htCapability?: Buffer

HT Capability information element (from association request when used with NL80211_CMD_NEW_STATION)

htCapabilityMask?: Buffer

Specify which bits of the ATTR_HT_CAPABILITY to which attention should be paid. Currently, only mac80211 NICs support this feature. The values that may be configured are: MCS rates, MAX-AMSDU, HT-20-40 and HT_CAP_SGI_40 AMPDU density and AMPDU factor. All values are treated as suggestions and may be ignored by the driver as required. The actual values may be seen in the station debugfs ht_caps file.

ie?: Buffer

Information element(s) data (used, e.g., with %NL80211_CMD_SET_MGMT_EXTRA_IE).

ieAssocResp?: Buffer

Information element(s) for (Re)Association Response frames. This is used with %NL80211_CMD_NEW_BEACON and %NL80211_CMD_SET_BEACON to provide extra IEs (e.g., WPS/P2P IE) into (Re)Association Response frames when the driver (or firmware) replies to (Re)Association Request frames.

ieProbeResp?: Buffer

Information element(s) for Probe Response frame. This is used with %NL80211_CMD_NEW_BEACON and %NL80211_CMD_SET_BEACON to provide extra IEs (e.g., WPS/P2P IE) into Probe Response frames when the driver (or firmware) replies to Probe Request frames.

ieRic?: Buffer

Resource Information Container Information Element

ifindex?: number

network interface index of the device to operate on

ifname?: string

network interface name

iftype?: InterfaceType | "UNSPECIFIED" | "ADHOC" | "STATION" | "AP" | "AP_VLAN" | "WDS" | "MONITOR" | "MESH_POINT" | "P2P_CLIENT" | "P2P_GO" | "P2P_DEVICE" | "OCB" | "NAN"

type of virtual interface, see &enum nl80211_iftype

iftypeExtCapa?: Buffer

Nested attribute of the following attributes: %NL80211_ATTR_IFTYPE, %NL80211_ATTR_EXT_CAPA, %NL80211_ATTR_EXT_CAPA_MASK, to specify the extended capabilities per interface type.

inactivityTimeout?: number

timeout value in seconds, this can be used by the drivers which has MLME in firmware and does not have support to report per station tx/rx activity to free up the station entry from the list. This needs to be used when the driver advertises the capability to timeout the stations.

interfaceCombinations?: InterfaceCombination[]

Nested attribute listing the supported interface combinations. In each nested item, it contains attributes defined in &enum nl80211_if_combination_attrs.

key?: Buffer

key information in a nested attribute with %NL80211_KEY_* sub-attributes

keyCipher?: number

key cipher suite (u32, as defined by IEEE 802.11 section, e.g. 0x000FAC04)

keyData?: Buffer

(temporal) key data; for TKIP this consists of 16 bytes encryption key followed by 8 bytes each for TX and RX MIC keys

keyDefault?: true

Flag attribute indicating the key is default key

keyDefaultMgmt?: true

Flag attribute indicating the key is the default management key

keyDefaultTypes?: KeyDefaultTypes

A nested attribute containing flags attributes, specifying what a key should be set as default as. See &enum nl80211_key_default_types.

keyIdx?: number

key ID (u8, 0-3)

keySeq?: Buffer

transmit key sequence number (IV/PN) for TKIP and CCMP keys, each six bytes in little endian

keyType?: KeyType | "GROUP" | "PAIRWISE" | "PEERKEY"

Key Type, see &enum nl80211_key_type, represented as a u32

keys?: Buffer

array of keys for static WEP keys for connect() and join_ibss(), key information is in a nested attribute each with %NL80211_KEY_* sub-attributes

localMeshPowerMode?: MeshPowerMode | "UNKNOWN" | "ACTIVE" | "LIGHT_SLEEP" | "DEEP_SLEEP"

local mesh STA link-specific power mode defined in &enum nl80211_mesh_power_mode.

localStateChange?: true

Flag attribute to indicate that a command is requesting a local authentication/association state change without invoking actual management frame exchange. This can be used with NL80211_CMD_AUTHENTICATE, NL80211_CMD_DEAUTHENTICATE, NL80211_CMD_DISASSOCIATE.

mac?: Buffer

MAC address (various uses)

macAclMax?: number

u32 attribute to advertise the maximum number of MAC addresses that a device can support for MAC ACL.

macAddrs?: Buffer[]

Array of nested MAC addresses, used for MAC ACL.

macHint?: Buffer

MAC address recommendation as initial BSS

macMask?: Buffer

MAC address mask

maxApAssocSta?: number

Device attribute that indicates how many associated stations are supported in AP mode (including P2P GO); u32. Since drivers may not have a fixed limit on the maximum number (e.g., other concurrent operations may affect this), drivers are allowed to advertise values that cannot always be met. In such cases, an attempt to add a new station entry with @NL80211_CMD_NEW_STATION may fail.

maxCritProtDuration?: number

duration in milliseconds in which the connection should have increased reliability (u16).

maxCsaCounters?: number

U8 attribute used to advertise the maximum supported number of csa counters.

maxMatchSets?: number

maximum number of sets that can be used with @NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH, a wiphy attribute.

maxNumPmkids?: number

maximum number of PMKIDs a firmware can cache, a wiphy attribute.

maxNumScanSsids?: number

number of SSIDs you can scan with a single scan request, a wiphy attribute.

maxNumSchedScanPlans?: number

maximum number of scan plans for scheduled scan supported by the device (u32), a wiphy attribute.

maxNumSchedScanSsids?: number

number of SSIDs you can scan with a single scheduled scan request, a wiphy attribute.

maxRemainOnChannelDuration?: number

Device attribute that specifies the maximum duration that can be requested with the remain-on-channel operation, in milliseconds, u32.

maxScanIeLen?: number

maximum length of information elements that can be added to a scan request

maxScanPlanInterval?: number

maximum interval (in seconds) for a scan plan (u32), a wiphy attribute.

maxScanPlanIterations?: number

maximum number of iterations in a scan plan (u32), a wiphy attribute.

maxSchedScanIeLen?: number

maximum length of information elements that can be added to a scheduled scan request

mcastRate?: number

Multicast tx rate (in 100 kbps) for IBSS

mdid?: Buffer

Mobility Domain Identifier

measurementDuration?: number

measurement duration in TUs (u16). If %NL80211_ATTR_MEASUREMENT_DURATION_MANDATORY is not set, this is the maximum measurement duration allowed. This attribute is used with measurement requests. It can also be used with %NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN if the scan is used for beacon report radio measurement.

measurementDurationMandatory?: true

flag attribute that indicates that the duration specified with %NL80211_ATTR_MEASUREMENT_DURATION is mandatory. If this flag is not set, the duration is the maximum duration and the actual measurement duration may be shorter.

meshConfig?: MeshconfParams

Mesh configuration parameters, a nested attribute containing attributes from &enum nl80211_meshconf_params.

meshId?: Buffer

mesh id (1-32 bytes).

meshPeerAid?: number

Association ID for the mesh peer (u16). This is used to pull the stored data for mesh peer in power save state.

meshSetup?: Buffer

Optional mesh setup parameters. These cannot be changed once the mesh is active.

mgmtSubtype?: number

Management frame subtype for %NL80211_CMD_SET_MGMT_EXTRA_IE.

mntrFlags?: MonitorFlags

flags, nested element with NLA_FLAG attributes of &enum nl80211_mntr_flags.

mpathInfo?: MpathInfo

information about a mesh_path, part of mesh path info given for %NL80211_CMD_GET_MPATH, nested attribute described at &enum nl80211_mpath_info.

mpathNextHop?: Buffer

MAC address of the next hop for a mesh path.

muMimoFollowMacAddr?: Buffer

mac address for the sniffer to follow when using MU-MIMO air sniffer. to turn that feature off set an invalid mac address (e.g. FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF)

muMimoGroupData?: Buffer

array of 24 bytes that defines a MU-MIMO groupID for monitor mode. The first 8 bytes are a mask that defines the membership in each group (there are 64 groups, group 0 and 63 are reserved), each bit represents a group and set to 1 for being a member in that group and 0 for not being a member. The remaining 16 bytes define the position in each group: 2 bits for each group. (smaller group numbers represented on most significant bits and bigger group numbers on least significant bits.) This attribute is used only if all interfaces are in monitor mode. Set this attribute in order to monitor packets using the given MU-MIMO groupID data. to turn off that feature set all the bits of the groupID to zero.

multicastToUnicastEnabled?: true

Indicates whether or not multicast packets should be send out as unicast to all stations (flag attribute).

nanFunc?: NanFunction

a function that can be added to NAN. See &enum nl80211_nan_func_attributes for description of this nested attribute.

nanMasterPref?: number

the master preference to be used by %NL80211_CMD_START_NAN and optionally with %NL80211_CMD_CHANGE_NAN_CONFIG. Its type is u8 and it can't be 0. Also, values 1 and 255 are reserved for certification purposes and should not be used during a normal device operation.

nanMatch?: NanMatch

used to report a match. This is a nested attribute. See &enum nl80211_nan_match_attributes.

netnsFd?: number
noackMap?: number

This u16 bitmap contains the No Ack Policy of up to 16 TIDs.

nss?: number

Station's New/updated RX_NSS value notified using this u8 attribute. This is used with %NL80211_CMD_STA_OPMODE_CHANGED.

offchannelTxOk?: true

For management frame TX, the frame may be transmitted on another channel when the channel given doesn't match the current channel. If the current channel doesn't match and this flag isn't set, the frame will be rejected. This is also used as an nl80211 capability flag.

operClass?: Buffer

operating class

opmodeNotif?: number

Operating mode field from Operating Mode Notification Element based on association request when used with %NL80211_CMD_NEW_STATION or %NL80211_CMD_SET_STATION (only when %NL80211_FEATURE_FULL_AP_CLIENT_STATE is supported, or with TDLS); u8 attribute.

p2pCtwindow?: number

P2P GO Client Traffic Window (u8), used with the START_AP and SET_BSS commands

p2pOppps?: number

P2P GO opportunistic PS (u8), used with the START_AP and SET_BSS commands. This can have the values 0 or 1; if not given in START_AP 0 is assumed, if not given in SET_BSS no change is made.

pad?: Buffer

attribute used for padding for 64-bit alignment

pbss?: true

flag attribute. If set it means operate in a PBSS. Specified in %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT to request connecting to a PCP, and in %NL80211_CMD_START_AP to start a PCP instead of AP. Relevant for DMG networks only.

peerAid?: number

Association ID for the peer TDLS station (u16). This is similar to @NL80211_ATTR_STA_AID but with a difference of being allowed to be used with the first @NL80211_CMD_SET_STATION command to update a TDLS peer STA entry.

peerMeasurements?: PeerMeasurement

peer measurements request (and result) data, uses nested attributes specified in &enum nl80211_peer_measurement_attrs. This is also used for capability advertisement in the wiphy information, with the appropriate sub-attributes.

pid?: number

Process ID of a network namespace.

pmk?: Buffer

attribute for passing PMK key material. Used with %NL80211_CMD_SET_PMKSA for the PMKSA identified by %NL80211_ATTR_PMKID. For %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT it is used to provide PSK for offloading 4-way handshake for WPA/WPA2-PSK networks. For 802.1X authentication it is used with %NL80211_CMD_SET_PMK. For offloaded FT support this attribute specifies the PMK-R0 if NL80211_ATTR_PMKR0_NAME is included as well.

pmkid?: Buffer

PMK material for PMKSA caching.

pmkr0Name?: Buffer

PMK-R0 Name for offloaded FT.

pmksaCandidate?: PmksaCandidate

Nested attribute containing the PMKSA caching candidate information, see &enum nl80211_pmksa_candidate_attr.

portAuthorized?: Buffer


prevBssid?: Buffer

previous BSSID, to be used in ASSOCIATE and CONNECT commands to specify a request to reassociate within an ESS, i.e., to use Reassociate Request frame (with the value of this attribute in the Current AP address field) instead of Association Request frame which is used for the initial association to an ESS.

privacy?: true

Flag attribute, used with connect(), indicating that protected APs should be used. This is also used with NEW_BEACON to indicate that the BSS is to use protection.

probeResp?: Buffer

Probe Response template data. Contains the entire probe-response frame. The DA field in the 802.11 header is zero-ed out, to be filled by the FW.

probeRespOffload?: Buffer

Indicates that the HW responds to probe requests while operating in AP-mode. This attribute holds a bitmap of the supported protocols for offloading (see &enum nl80211_probe_resp_offload_support_attr).

protocolFeatures?: ProtocolFeatures

global nl80211 feature flags, see &enum nl80211_protocol_features, the attribute is a u32.

psState?: PsState | "DISABLED" | "ENABLED"

powersave state, using &enum nl80211_ps_state values.

qosMap?: Buffer

IP DSCP mapping for Interworking QoS mapping. This data is in the format defined for the payload of the QoS Map Set element in IEEE Std 802.11-2012,


Type of radar event for notification to userspace, contains a value of enum nl80211_radar_event (u32).

reasonCode?: number

ReasonCode for %NL80211_CMD_DEAUTHENTICATE and %NL80211_CMD_DISASSOCIATE, u16

regAlpha2?: string

an ISO-3166-alpha2 country code for which the current regulatory domain should be set to or is already set to. For example, 'CR', for Costa Rica. This attribute is used by the kernel to query the CRDA to retrieve one regulatory domain. This attribute can also be used by userspace to query the kernel for the currently set regulatory domain. We chose an alpha2 as that is also used by the IEEE-802.11 country information element to identify a country. Users can also simply ask the wireless core to set regulatory domain to a specific alpha2.

regIndoor?: true

flag attribute, if set indicates that the device is operating in an indoor environment.

regInitiator?: Buffer

indicates who requested the regulatory domain currently in effect. This could be any of the %NL80211_REGDOM_SET_BY_*

regRules?: RegulatoryRule[]

a nested array of regulatory domain regulatory rules.

regType?: RegulatoryType | "COUNTRY" | "WORLD" | "CUSTOM_WORLD" | "INTERSECTION"

indicates the type of the regulatory domain currently set. This can be one of the nl80211_reg_type (%NL80211_REGDOM_TYPE_*)

rekeyData?: RekeyData

nested attribute containing the information necessary for GTK rekeying in the device, see &enum nl80211_rekey_data.

reqIe?: Buffer

(Re)association request information elements as sent out by the card, for ROAM and successful CONNECT events.

respIe?: Buffer

(Re)association response information elements as sent by peer, for ROAM and successful CONNECT events.

roamSupport?: true

Indicates whether the firmware is capable of roaming to another AP in the same ESS if the signal lever is low.

rxFrameTypes?: Message[]

wiphy capability attribute, which is a nested attribute of %NL80211_ATTR_FRAME_TYPE attributes, containing information about which frame types can be registered for RX.

rxSignalDbm?: number

signal strength in dBm (as a 32-bit int); this attribute is (depending on the driver capabilities) added to received frames indicated with %NL80211_CMD_FRAME.

rxmgmtFlags?: RxmgmtFlags

flags for nl80211_send_mgmt(), u32. As specified in the &enum nl80211_rxmgmt_flags.

saePassword?: Buffer

attribute for passing SAE password material. It is used with %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT to provide password for offloading SAE authentication for WPA3-Personal networks.

scanFlags?: number

scan request control flags (u32)

scanFrequencies?: Buffer

nested attribute with frequencies (in MHz)

scanSsids?: Buffer

nested attribute with SSIDs, leave out for passive scanning and include a zero-length SSID (wildcard) for wildcard scan

scanStartTimeTsf?: bigint

The time at which the scan was actually started (u64). The time is the TSF of the BSS the interface that requested the scan is connected to (if available, otherwise this attribute must not be included).

scanStartTimeTsfBssid?: Buffer

The BSS according to which %NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_START_TIME_TSF is set.

scanSuppRates?: Buffer[]

rates per to be advertised as supported in scan, nested array attribute containing an entry for each band, with the entry being a list of supported rates as defined by IEEE 802.11 but without the length restriction (at most %NL80211_MAX_SUPP_RATES).

schedScanDelay?: number

delay before the first cycle of a scheduled scan is started. Or the delay before a WoWLAN net-detect scan is started, counting from the moment the system is suspended. This value is a u32, in seconds.

schedScanInterval?: number

Interval between scheduled scan cycles, in msecs.

schedScanMatch?: Buffer[]

Nested attribute with one or more sets of attributes to match during scheduled scans. Only BSSs that match any of the sets will be reported. These are pass-thru filter rules. For a match to succeed, the BSS must match all attributes of a set. Since not every hardware supports matching all types of attributes, there is no guarantee that the reported BSSs are fully complying with the match sets and userspace needs to be able to ignore them by itself. Thus, the implementation is somewhat hardware-dependent, but this is only an optimization and the userspace application needs to handle all the non-filtered results anyway. If the match attributes don't make sense when combined with the values passed in @NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_SSIDS (eg. if an SSID is included in the probe request, but the match attributes will never let it go through), -EINVAL may be returned. If omitted, no filtering is done.

schedScanMaxReqs?: number

indicates maximum number of scheduled scan request that may be active for the device (u32).

schedScanMulti?: true

flag attribute which user-space shall use to indicate that it supports multiple active scheduled scan requests.

schedScanPlans?: ScheduledScanPlan

a list of scan plans for scheduled scan. Each scan plan defines the number of scan iterations and the interval between scans. The last scan plan will always run infinitely, thus it must not specify the number of iterations, only the interval between scans. The scan plans are executed sequentially. Each scan plan is a nested attribute of &enum nl80211_sched_scan_plan.

schedScanRelativeRssi?: Buffer

Relative RSSI threshold by which other BSSs has to be better or slightly worse than the current connected BSS so that they get reported to user space. This will give an opportunity to userspace to consider connecting to other matching BSSs which have better or slightly worse RSSI than the current connected BSS by using an offloaded operation to avoid unnecessary wakeups.

schedScanRssiAdjust?: Buffer

When present the RSSI level for BSSs in the specified band is to be adjusted before doing %NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_RELATIVE_RSSI based comparison to figure out better BSSs. The attribute value is a packed structure value as specified by &struct nl80211_bss_select_rssi_adjust.

smpsMode?: Buffer

SMPS mode to use (ap mode). see &enum nl80211_smps_mode.

socketOwner?: true

Flag attribute, if set during interface creation then the new interface will be owned by the netlink socket that created it and will be destroyed when the socket is closed. If set during scheduled scan start then the new scan req will be owned by the netlink socket that created it and the scheduled scan will be stopped when the socket is closed. If set during configuration of regulatory indoor operation then the regulatory indoor configuration would be owned by the netlink socket that configured the indoor setting, and the indoor operation would be cleared when the socket is closed. If set during NAN interface creation, the interface will be destroyed if the socket is closed just like any other interface. Moreover, NAN notifications will be sent in unicast to that socket. Without this attribute, the notifications will be sent to the %NL80211_MCGRP_NAN multicast group. If set during %NL80211_CMD_ASSOCIATE or %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT the station will deauthenticate when the socket is closed. If set during %NL80211_CMD_JOIN_IBSS the IBSS will be automatically torn down when the socket is closed. If set during %NL80211_CMD_JOIN_MESH the mesh setup will be automatically torn down when the socket is closed. If set during %NL80211_CMD_START_AP the AP will be automatically disabled when the socket is closed.

softwareIftypes?: InterfaceTypeSet

Nested attribute (just like %NL80211_ATTR_SUPPORTED_IFTYPES) containing the interface types that are managed in software: interfaces of these types aren't subject to any restrictions in their number or combinations.

splitWiphyDump?: true

flag attribute, userspace supports receiving the data for a single wiphy split across multiple messages, given with wiphy dump message

ssid?: Buffer

SSID (binary attribute, 0..32 octets)

staAid?: number

Association ID for the station (u16)

staCapability?: number

Station capabilities (u16) are advertised to the driver, e.g., to enable TDLS power save (PU-APSD).

staExtCapability?: Buffer

Station extended capabilities are advertised to the driver, e.g., to enable TDLS off channel operations and PU-APSD.

staFlags?: StationFlags

flags, nested element with NLA_FLAG attributes of &enum nl80211_sta_flags (deprecated, use %NL80211_ATTR_STA_FLAGS2)

staFlags2?: Buffer

Attribute containing a &struct nl80211_sta_flag_update.

staInfo?: StationInfo

information about a station, part of station info given for %NL80211_CMD_GET_STATION, nested attribute containing info as possible, see &enum nl80211_sta_info.

staListenInterval?: number

listen interval as defined by IEEE 802.11 (u16).

staPlinkAction?: PlinkAction | "NO_ACTION" | "OPEN" | "BLOCK"

action to perform on the mesh peer link (see &enum nl80211_plink_action).

staPlinkState?: Buffer

The state of a mesh peer link as defined in &enum nl80211_plink_state. Used when userspace is driving the peer link management state machine. @NL80211_MESH_SETUP_USERSPACE_AMPE or


must be enabled.

staSupportP2pPs?: StationP2pPsStatus | "UNSUPPORTED" | "SUPPORTED"

whether P2P PS mechanism supported or not. u8, one of the values of &enum nl80211_sta_p2p_ps_status

staSupportedChannels?: Buffer

array of supported channels.

staSupportedOperClasses?: Buffer

array of supported supported operating classes.

staSupportedRates?: Buffer

supported rates, array of supported rates as defined by IEEE 802.11 but without the length restriction (at most %NL80211_MAX_SUPP_RATES).

staTxPower?: number

Transmit power level (s16) in dBm units. This allows to set Tx power for a station. If this attribute is not included, the default per-interface tx power setting will be overriding. Driver should be picking up the lowest tx power, either tx power per-interface or per-station.

staTxPowerSetting?: "AUTOMATIC" | TxPowerSetting | "LIMITED" | "FIXED"

Transmit power setting type (u8) for station associated with the AP. See &enum nl80211_tx_power_setting for possible values.

staVlan?: number

interface index of VLAN interface to move station to, or the AP interface the station was originally added to to.

staWme?: StationWme

Nested attribute containing the wme configuration of the station, see &enum nl80211_sta_wme_attr.

statusCode?: number

StatusCode for the %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT event (u16)

support10Mhz?: true

A flag indicating that the device supports 10 MHz channel bandwidth.

support5Mhz?: true

A flag indicating that the device supports 5 MHz channel bandwidth.

supportApUapsd?: true

the device supports uapsd when working as AP.

supportIbssRsn?: true

The device supports IBSS RSN, which mostly means support for per-station GTKs.

supportMeshAuth?: true

Currently, this means the underlying driver allows auth frames in a mesh to be passed to userspace for processing via the @NL80211_MESH_SETUP_USERSPACE_AUTH flag.

supportedCommands?: number[]

wiphy attribute that specifies an array of command numbers (i.e. a mapping index to command number) that the driver for the given wiphy supports.

supportedIftypes?: InterfaceTypeSet

nested attribute containing all supported interface types, each a flag attribute with the number of the interface mode.

surveyInfo?: SurveyInfo

survey information about a channel, part of the survey response for %NL80211_CMD_GET_SURVEY, nested attribute containing info as possible, see &enum survey_info.

surveyRadioStats?: Buffer

Request overall radio statistics to be returned along with other survey data. If set, @NL80211_CMD_GET_SURVEY may return a survey entry without a channel indicating global radio statistics (only some values are valid and make sense.) For devices that don't return such an entry even then, the information should be contained in the result as the sum of the respective counters over all channels.

tdlsAction?: Buffer

Low level TDLS action code (e.g. link setup request, link setup confirm, link teardown, etc.). Values are described in the TDLS (802.11z) specification.

tdlsDialogToken?: Buffer

Non-zero token for uniquely identifying a TDLS conversation between two devices.

tdlsExternalSetup?: Buffer

The TDLS discovery/setup and teardown procedures should be performed by sending TDLS packets via %NL80211_CMD_TDLS_MGMT. Otherwise %NL80211_CMD_TDLS_OPER should be used for asking the driver to perform a TDLS operation.

tdlsInitiator?: true

flag attribute indicating the current end is the TDLS link initiator.

tdlsOperation?: TdlsOperation | "DISCOVERY_REQ" | "SETUP" | "TEARDOWN" | "ENABLE_LINK" | "DISABLE_LINK"

High level TDLS operation; see &enum nl80211_tdls_operation, represented as a u8.

tdlsPeerCapability?: TdlsPeerCapability

flags for TDLS peer capabilities, u32. As specified in the &enum nl80211_tdls_peer_capability.

tdlsSupport?: true

A flag indicating the device can operate as a TDLS peer sta.

testdata?: Buffer

Testmode data blob, passed through to the driver. We recommend using nested, driver-specific attributes within this.

timedOut?: true

a flag indicating than an operation timed out; this is used, e.g., with %NL80211_CMD_AUTHENTICATE event

timeout?: number

Timeout for the given operation in milliseconds (u32), if the attribute is not given no timeout is requested. Note that 0 is an invalid value.

timeoutReason?: "UNSPECIFIED" | TimeoutReason | "SCAN" | "AUTH" | "ASSOC"

The reason for which an operation timed out. u32 attribute with an &enum nl80211_timeout_reason value. This is used, e.g., with %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT event.

tsid?: number

a TSID value (u8 attribute)

twtResponder?: Buffer

Enable target wait time responder support.

txFrameTypes?: Message[]

wiphy capability attribute, which is a nested attribute of %NL80211_ATTR_FRAME_TYPE attributes, containing information about which frame types can be transmitted with %NL80211_CMD_FRAME.

txNoCckRate?: Buffer

Indicates whether to use CCK rate or not for management frames transmission. In order to avoid p2p probe/action frames are being transmitted at CCK rate in 2GHz band, the user space applications use this attribute. This attribute is used with %NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN and %NL80211_CMD_FRAME commands.

txRates?: Map<number, TxRate>

Nested set of attributes (enum nl80211_tx_rate_attributes) describing TX rates per band. The enum nl80211_band value is used as the index (nla_type() of the nested data. If a band is not included, it will be configured to allow all rates based on negotiated supported rates information. This attribute is used with %NL80211_CMD_SET_TX_BITRATE_MASK and with starting AP, and joining mesh networks (not IBSS yet). In the later case, it must specify just a single bitrate, which is to be used for the beacon. The driver must also specify support for this with the extended features NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BEACON_RATE_LEGACY, NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BEACON_RATE_HT and NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BEACON_RATE_VHT.

txqLimit?: number

Total packet limit for the TXQ queues for this phy. The smaller of this and the memory limit is enforced.

txqMemoryLimit?: number

Total memory memory limit (in bytes) for the TXQ queues for this phy. The smaller of this and the packet limit is enforced.

txqQuantum?: number

TXQ scheduler quantum (bytes). Number of bytes a flow is assigned on each round of the DRR scheduler.

txqStats?: TxqStats

TXQ statistics (nested attribute, see &enum nl80211_txq_stats)

useMfp?: Mfp | "NO" | "REQUIRED" | "OPTIONAL"

Whether management frame protection (IEEE 802.11w) is used for the association (&enum nl80211_mfp, represented as a u32); this attribute can be used with %NL80211_CMD_ASSOCIATE and %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT requests. %NL80211_MFP_OPTIONAL is not allowed for %NL80211_CMD_ASSOCIATE since user space SME is expected and hence, it must have decided whether to use management frame protection or not. Setting %NL80211_MFP_OPTIONAL with a %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT request will let the driver (or the firmware) decide whether to use MFP or not.

useRrm?: true

flag for indicating whether the current connection shall support Radio Resource Measurements (11k). This attribute can be used with %NL80211_CMD_ASSOCIATE and %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT requests. User space applications are expected to use this flag only if the underlying device supports these minimal RRM features: %NL80211_FEATURE_DS_PARAM_SET_IE_IN_PROBES, %NL80211_FEATURE_QUIET, Or, if global RRM is supported, see: %NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_RRM If this flag is used, driver must add the Power Capabilities IE to the association request. In addition, it must also set the RRM capability flag in the association request's Capability Info field.

userPrio?: number

user priority value (u8 attribute)

userRegHintType?: Buffer

type of regulatory hint passed from userspace. If unset it is assumed the hint comes directly from a user. If set code could specify exactly what type of source was used to provide the hint. For the different types of allowed user regulatory hints see nl80211_user_reg_hint_type.

vendorData?: Buffer

data for the vendor command, if any; this attribute is also used for vendor command feature advertisement

vendorEvents?: Buffer

used for event list advertising in the wiphy info, containing a nested array of possible events

vendorId?: number

The vendor ID, either a 24-bit OUI or, if %NL80211_VENDOR_ID_IS_LINUX is set, a special Linux ID (not used yet)

vendorSubcmd?: number

vendor sub-command

vhtCapability?: Buffer

VHT Capability information element (from association request when used with NL80211_CMD_NEW_STATION)

vhtCapabilityMask?: Buffer
vlanId?: number

VLAN ID (1..4094) for the station and VLAN group key (u16).

want1x4wayHs?: true

flag attribute which user-space can include in %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT to indicate that for 802.1X authentication it wants to use the supported offload of the 4-way handshake.

wdev?: bigint

wireless device identifier, used for pseudo-devices that don't have a netdev (u64)

wiphy?: number

index of wiphy to operate on, cf. /sys/class/ieee80211//index

wiphyAntennaAvailRx?: number

Bitmap of antennas which are available for configuration as RX antennas via the above parameters.

wiphyAntennaAvailTx?: number

Bitmap of antennas which are available for configuration as TX antennas via the above parameters.

wiphyAntennaRx?: number

Bitmap of allowed antennas for receiving. This can be used to mask out antennas which are not attached or should not be used for receiving. If an antenna is not selected in this bitmap the hardware should not be configured to receive on this antenna. For a more detailed description see @NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_ANTENNA_TX.

wiphyAntennaTx?: number

Bitmap of allowed antennas for transmitting. This can be used to mask out antennas which are not attached or should not be used for transmitting. If an antenna is not selected in this bitmap the hardware is not allowed to transmit on this antenna.

Each bit represents one antenna, starting with antenna 1 at the first bit. Depending on which antennas are selected in the bitmap, 802.11n drivers can derive which chainmasks to use (if all antennas belonging to a particular chain are disabled this chain should be disabled) and if a chain has diversity antennas wether diversity should be used or not. HT capabilities (STBC, TX Beamforming, Antenna selection) can be derived from the available chains after applying the antenna mask. Non-802.11n drivers can derive wether to use diversity or not. Drivers may reject configurations or RX/TX mask combinations they cannot support by returning -EINVAL.

wiphyBands?: Band[]

Information about an operating bands, consisting of a nested array.

wiphyChannelType?: ChannelType | "NO_HT" | "HT20" | "HT40MINUS" | "HT40PLUS"

included with NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_FREQ if HT20 or HT40 are to be used (i.e., HT disabled if not included): NL80211_CHAN_NO_HT = HT not allowed (i.e., same as not including this attribute) NL80211_CHAN_HT20 = HT20 only NL80211_CHAN_HT40MINUS = secondary channel is below the primary channel NL80211_CHAN_HT40PLUS = secondary channel is above the primary channel This attribute is now deprecated.

wiphyCoverageClass?: number

Coverage Class as defined by IEEE 802.11 section; dot11CoverageClass; u8

wiphyDynAck?: true

flag attribute used to enable ACK timeout estimation algorithm (dynack). In order to activate dynack %NL80211_FEATURE_ACKTO_ESTIMATION feature flag must be set by lower drivers to indicate dynack capability. Dynack is automatically disabled setting valid value for coverage class.

wiphyEdmgBwConfig?: number

Channel BW Configuration subfield encodes the allowed channel bandwidth configurations. (u8 attribute) Defined by IEEE P802.11ay/D4.0 section, Table 13.

wiphyEdmgChannels?: number

bitmap that indicates the 2.16 GHz channel(s) that are allowed to be used for EDMG transmissions. Defined by IEEE P802.11ay/D4.0 section (u8 attribute)

wiphyFragThreshold?: number

fragmentation threshold, i.e., maximum length in octets for frames; allowed range: 256..8000, disable fragmentation with (u32)-1; dot11FragmentationThreshold; u32

wiphyFreq?: number

frequency of the selected channel in MHz, defines the channel together with the (deprecated) %NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_CHANNEL_TYPE attribute or the attributes %NL80211_ATTR_CHANNEL_WIDTH and if needed %NL80211_ATTR_CENTER_FREQ1 and %NL80211_ATTR_CENTER_FREQ2

wiphyFreqHint?: Buffer

frequency of the recommended initial BSS

wiphyName?: string

wiphy name (used for renaming)

wiphyRetryLong?: number

TX retry limit for frames whose length is greater than the RTS threshold; allowed range: 1..255; dot11ShortLongLimit; u8

wiphyRetryShort?: number

TX retry limit for frames whose length is less than or equal to the RTS threshold; allowed range: 1..255; dot11ShortRetryLimit; u8

wiphyRtsThreshold?: number

RTS threshold (TX frames with length larger than or equal to this use RTS/CTS handshake); allowed range: 0..65536, disable with (u32)-1; dot11RTSThreshold; u32

wiphySelfManagedReg?: true

flag attribute indicating this device is self-managing its regulatory information and any regulatory domain obtained from it is coming from the device's wiphy and not the global cfg80211 regdomain.

wiphyTxPowerLevel?: number

Transmit power level in signed mBm units. This is used in association with @NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_TX_POWER_SETTING for non-automatic settings.

wiphyTxPowerSetting?: "AUTOMATIC" | TxPowerSetting | "LIMITED" | "FIXED"

Transmit power setting type. See &enum nl80211_tx_power_setting for possible values.

wiphyTxqParams?: Txq[]

a nested array of TX queue parameters

wowlanTriggers?: WowlanTriggers

used by %NL80211_CMD_SET_WOWLAN to indicate which WoW triggers should be enabled. This is also used by %NL80211_CMD_GET_WOWLAN to get the currently enabled WoWLAN triggers.

wowlanTriggersSupported?: WowlanTriggers

indicates, as part of the wiphy capabilities, the supported WoWLAN triggers

wpaVersions?: WpaVersions

Used with CONNECT, ASSOCIATE, and NEW_BEACON to indicate which WPA version(s) the AP we want to associate with is using (a u32 with flags from &enum nl80211_wpa_versions).

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